Kindle Publishing System Closing Tonight!
Here is your final chance link for Ryan Deiss’ Number One Book System. Over 4,200+ members have already joined the community and they are almost at capacity. I honestly don’t know how many more they can let in. You still have a chance to get…
Free Event: Black Friday Book Camp – This Weekend
Are you going to “relax”, and take off of working this weekend or really do something important? At the end of this long weekend, if you’ve followed this FREE plan, you’ll have your first Kindle book outlined and maybe even DONE and ready for launch….
Kindle Publishing System – Last Chance
Here is your last chance. Over 3,000 people have joined the Ryan Deiss Kindle Publishing System in the last 10 days, making it the largest and most powerful mastermind of Kindle book publishers out there. But now the door is closing. Tonight at midnight to…
The Old Kindle is Dead!
I just wanted to make sure you saw the announcement that went out a few days ago. Amazon just shocked the world by discontinuing all the “old-school” kindles! Fortunately for us this is good new and could make us a whole boat load of money……
Become a Famous Author in Just 5 Days with The Number One Book System
Yes, you can be a famous published author right now guaranteed, without selling out. Learn how below. Share your message and and sell thousands of books worldwide on Amazon’s Kindle. Kindle book sales surpassed paper book sales at Amazon last year and will likely TRIPLE…