Ryan Deiss Free Report – Don’t Bet Against Amazon

Amazon spends $201.90 each to manufacture a single Kindle Fire. It sells for $199 and soon $149. Why? Kindle Books! As you probably know, the Kindle comes empty, and you get to fill them up once you buy them. If you didn’t know, the new…

Want to Learn How to Sell 100 Kindle Books a Day?

Everyone has at least one great book in them, and now you can see yours become a reality. Kindle is RED hot right now as writers, marketers and publishers are FINALLY jumping on the projected $2+ BILLION dollar ePub wave. Ryan Deiss seems to be…

The Kindle Publishing Revolution (Free Report)

He’s had over 50,000 of his Kindle eBooks downloaded in the last 30 days or so and has built a Kindle publishing business from scratch. Here’s exactly how he did it. So far he’s put thousands of people on niche mailing lists, and has readers…