Wow – 20 Products PLR Pack!

You may not know this, but PLR (Private Label Rights) products didn’t always exist. In fact, it wasn’t until 2003 that Jimmy D. Brown had the great idea to create content that others could use as their own. It wasn’t until a year later that…

Inexpensive Quality PLR from Nicole Dean

You’ve probably heard the term PLR before. It stands for Private Label Rights…and what it means is that not only can you reprint this info, but you have permission to change it in any way to make it more useful for your audience. Why would…

Nicole Dean – What is PLR?

If you write a blog, or advertise anything by writing articles, you know that it can take a lot of effort to consistenly turn out content. Even if you enjoy writing (as I do), writing article after article, or blog post after blog post, can…