Do Something Epic (100 Day Challenge)

When’s the last time you made a check on your Bucket List? Sooner or later, we all come to the understanding that success doesn’t come to those who sit around waiting for permission in life. You have to go out there and make it happen….

100 Day Challenge (What is the SECRET?)

It is one of the world’s most profitable and safely-guarded secrets. There are only a few people in the entire world who know it. Developed in 1940, the hand-written version of it is protected by a special security system created especially to protect the recipe….

How You Should Start Every Single Day – 100 Day Challenge

Every day when I wake up, I do the same thing. I get ready for the day, then I eat breakfast, and then read over a list of goals that I wrote out the night before, and then start my day. I’ve been doing the…

100 Day Challenge – Success is as Easy as 1,2,3

To lead a successful life, career, or business, you need only three things: A crystal clear understanding of WHAT you want to achieve. A passionate desire and burning WHY that inspires massive action. A plan of action which points to HOW success will be achieved…

My Bold Prediction For 2013

I’m going to predict your future for 2013. Forgive me in advance if this is rubs a bit too close to the bone. It’s not meant to be offensive, but it is meant to be objective. (I’ll explain in a second.) You will break your…