Laura Betterly – How to get Instant Local Traffic

I know it’s hard to believe, but Laura Betterly has a way to getting local business – in other words, local companies to work with you, without selling to them at all. You really need to watch this video, because you’ll be surprised at how…

Make Money Helping Local Buinesses Go Online

How would you like to make money helping local businesses go online? You’d help them get clients locally by helping them get on Google. You’ll even give them $100 credit to spend on Google AdWords! In other words, you’d really be helping these local businesses…

Instant Local Traffic Closing?

It’s been an amazing run but Laura has asked that Instant Local Traffic be closed down until further notice. So why is she closing? Two reasons really. Laura has reached her class cap. She literally cannot serve any more students with her style of one-on-one…

Instant Local Traffic – Get 4 Weeks of Hands On Coaching!

By now you’ve probably heard a little bit about Ryan Deiss’ and Laura Betterly’s latest product, Instant Local Traffic. There’s been a lot of buzz about it, and while you’ve probably heard some about Laura’s 16-second elevator close, or about the “Cheese and Whiskers” training…

Instant Local Traffic – Success Stories!

Wow, Ryan Deiss and Laura Betterly only opened up the Instant Local Traffic course a few days ago and the success stories are already starting to come in. In fact, this first one was posted to Laura’s MLF Facebook Fanpage wall and came in just…