Ben Shaffer’s IM Cartel is Closing Down in Less Than 24 Hours

A week ago, Ben Shaffer re-opened IM Cartel. It’s a really cool concept. It’s where you get to earn royalties…and you don’t do any of the work! Ben’s people will write Kindle books. You and the others in your group will earn the profits that…

IM Cartel – Earn Royalties with Kindle Books!

Receiving royalties is a great thing. You keep doing what you were doing, and you get money. It’s even better than that, when someone else is doing all of the work! Of course, this only makes real sense when the person doing all of the…

IM Cartel – Ever Hear of Ben Shaffer?

I’m sure it’s similar with you…but every day I receive a load of emails about new products that come out. Occasionally there are good ones, but they can be hard to figure out. But here’s my real complaint: I never know if something is going…