Easy App Formula: Why it’s Now So Easy to Have Your Own Apps

The other day, I posted about Matt Rhodes, and how he was making residual monthly income from his silly game app. Like I had said then, Matt cannot code at all! He simply outsourced the creation of his game app — cheap — and now…

Easy App Formula: Passive Cash with Up to $124.29 Per Day?

Have you ever heard of the flashlight app? Its an app for Smartphones (like the iPhone) that turns on the camera flash and leaves it on until the user clicks a button to turn it off. The light is so bright that its just like…

Profit from the Mobile Phone Addiction

There’s a new “addiction” sweeping the globe….and there’s a good chance you have it as well! What is it, you ask? It’s being addicted to your mobile phone. Even if you aren’t, I’m sure you’ve seen the tons of people that ALWAYS have their phone…

SkyBuilder – 7 New Local Business Accounts in a Few Hours?

7 new local business clients in just a few hours is the result of using mobile apps created with Greg Jacobs new system called SkyBuilder. This is a testimony from an early user (within the last month.) “This is not an IM system, it’s not…

Get SkyBuilder – Creating Mobile Apps has Never Been Easier!

SkyBuilder, the brand new software that allows you to create unlimited mobile apps for the iPhone and Android stores with no per app fee is LIVE. Get this now because there are three incredible fast-action bonuses that will be gone before you know it. The…