WebinarExpress – How to Build a Massive, Responsive List with Webinars

If you want to build your email list FAST, webinars are perfect because they have one of the most important elements of a persuasive offer built right in. SCARCITY! People are scared that they’ll lose out on something that could change their life or business….

WebinarExpress = WordPress + Google Hangouts

Have you see Google Hangouts yet? You can: – File Share with Attendees – Screenshare, Video Calls/Conferencing – Instant Messaging – Live Streaming – Integration with other Google Apps …and NOW you can conduct webinars! A NEW WordPress Plugin takes all the power of Google…

WebinarExpress Just Launched – Sick of Paying up to $499 a Month for GoToWebinar?

Are you getting sick of paying up to $499/month to host webinars? Or better yet… Can’t even afford to maximize the power of webinars because services like GoToWebinar are charging an arm and a leg? If so, you’re going to love this. WebinarExpress is a…