Amazon Money Machine – The New Google (but Better)?
I’m sure you know this already. Google can be a pain to deal with. Quality Score, Google slaps, blog network attacks, dropped rankings, banned accounts, Panda update, the Penguin update… ENOUGH! Who needs it? To make matters worse, we deal with all this nonsense just…
Amazon Money Machine – Who Needs Google When You’ve got Amazon?
Aren’t you sick of all the Google slaps, blog network attacks, dropped rankings, Panda update, then Penguin update paranoia? I mean, enough is enough. Why should we all have to take this, and expect is as part of a “normal” business? I just found out…
Meet the $100,000 King of Amazon
When I heard what Matt Clark (a 25 year-old) was doing on Amazon, I *had* to find out more. And no, he’s not another one of those “Make Millions On Kindle” guys. Actually, Kindle is only about 5% of his $100K per month biz on…
Matt Clark Makes $100k per Month with Amazon
Over the past two weeks, there has been a lot of buzz online over this. I read several blog comments and forum posts lately with questions like: “Is this thing any good?” “Who is this guy Matt Clark. Anybody have any reviews or comments to…
Get Amazon Money Machine and Learn how to Really Make Money with Amazon
I don’t know if you were able to catch one of Matt Clark’s Amazon Money Machine webinars last week, but it was incredible. While I was on it, I took a ton of notes, because he had some GREAT ideas on how to make money…