Renegade Millionaire is Closing Tonight!

If you’re like me, you take too long making decisions. In business, they call it “analysis paralysis.” You add all the pros and cons. You think of every possible outcome. You wait so long to make a decision, by the time you do, the outcome…

Renegade Millionaire is Live – Your Opportunity to Attract Wealth

Marketing legend, Dan Kennedy, has shared a TON of killer info in the 35 years he’s been running his business. I’ve learned so much from him in the time I’ve been in this industry, and I have talked about his entire free training videos over…

Interact with Dan Kennedy, Personally

If you have interest in growing your own business, discovering your hidden customer-attracting skills or understanding how the most successful people redefine “work,” you must watch your fourth and final free video from Dan Kennedy. A few days ago, I posted about the first video…

Renegade Millionaire – What Living Life on Your Own Terms Looks Like

Who got to tell you what to do today? If you’re like most people, you WANTED to answer “Me!” but had to say the name of someone else instead. It’s hard to get away from that feeling. Fortunately, you’re not alone in wanting to change…

Renegade Millionaire – The Bigger the Recession, the Bigger the Opportunity

Where do you go wrong in the pursuit of wealth? Marketing legend, Dan Kennedy, has your brutally honest answer in this free video series that he started sharing a few days ago. According to Dan, when you focus too much on selling stuff rather than…