Have You Seen Dan Kennedy’s Free Video Series Yet?

Over the last week and a half I’ve been watching a series put out by Dan Kennedy, one of marketing’s living legends, about his 29 Systems, Strategies & Secrets for Rapidly Transforming Your Business, Getting Rich & Living a Life of Freedom. Each episode has…

Free Video Series: Secrets to Transform Your Business (from Dan Kennedy)

You might be wondering if there are some “secrets” that crazy-rich business owners know about that you don’t. Well, guess what… There are, and once you know the secrets, you will not only attract better customers, clients and patients but massive amounts of wealth as…

Free Tomorrow: Learn How to Create a Flood of Customers

At the end of last week, I wrote about how Dan Kennedy will be doing a free training tomorrow, Thursday February 27th. If you haven’t signed up yet…I wanted to tell you a little bit more about it. Dan Kennedy is one of the original…

Interact with Dan Kennedy, Personally

If you have interest in growing your own business, discovering your hidden customer-attracting skills or understanding how the most successful people redefine “work,” you must watch your fourth and final free video from Dan Kennedy. A few days ago, I posted about the first video…

Renegade Millionaire – What Living Life on Your Own Terms Looks Like

Who got to tell you what to do today? If you’re like most people, you WANTED to answer “Me!” but had to say the name of someone else instead. It’s hard to get away from that feeling. Fortunately, you’re not alone in wanting to change…