Free Video: How Your Business Could Have 5 Websites

When you are getting your business online, obviously you need a website. The problem is once you get that one done, you’ll quickly discover that you want more than just one website to run and promote your business. Christina Hills, is a master at teaching…

Website Creation Workshop – Afraid of Building Your Own Website?

I can’t believe Christina Hills is admitting to this. The famous WordPress Trainer is admitting that she used to be afraid of WordPress. And get this… She outsourced her first WordPress website! Go watch this video now and see how Christina Hills overcame her fears…

Free Video: 5 Websites for 1 Business?

When you are getting your business online, obviously you need a website. Once you get that done though, quickly you’ll discover that you want more than just one website to run and promote your business. My colleague Christina Hills is a master at teaching people…