In a past post, I talked about CPA Networks, and how they were a fast way to start making money online. Since there are so many companies out there that it is sometimes hard to tell which companies are worth working with – and which are worth staying away from, I thought I’d share some of the ones that I currently work with, and like. One of them is Hydra Network.
Hydra was one of the first CPA Networks that I joined, and I really like them. They have quite a few offers, including exclusives that you’ll only find on their network, and not on any other network. They also make it really easy to search for whatever type of offer you are looking for…and make it easy to just browse if you’re not sure what you want to promote.
I also like that they show you right when you log in what the newest offers are. This way you can easily see if they have anything new, instead of having to search through hundreds of offers.
They also have many different size banners, so no matter what size you’re looking for, you should be able to find it (or something close to it) for most of their offers. That makes it easy when you’re trying to find something that is a certain size.
Another great thing about Hydra Network is their Rewards program, called “Hydra Rewards”. Besides making the money you earn from promoting offers, you can get extra on top of that. If you earn certain amounts of money each month, on top of the money, you can get extra rewards, such as a gift card, laptop, iPod, and more. It’s just an extra incentive for you to use their offers, so that you can earn even more in a month.
Their reporting function makes it very easy to see how many clicks you got for each offer, and what you actually made money on. It makes it easier for you to decide what to continue promoting, or what to stop in order to try something else.
If you’re looking to start promoting CPA offers, or are just looking for another CPA Network to join, I recommend Hydra Network.