There are a lot of people out there who want to make money online, but just can’t. Some of them, it’s because of the “money blocks” they have. Their heads just aren’t in the right place, and therefore they aren’t making any money online.
Coachglue just released a new planner, and I think it will really help them. It’s called, “Busting Your Money Blocks.”
Since it’s a planner, not only does it teach you, but also asks you a lot of specific questions to help you figure out exactly where you are.
If I were you, I’d get it…and first fill it out yourself.
I downloaded it earlier today, and plan on filling it out.
Once you finish doing that, you have a number of options of what you can do with it.
You can use it as an opt-in, in order to build your list.
You can sell it as a low priced item.
Or, you can add to it and sell it for a bit more. What I think I’d do is while I’m filling it out, I’d take notes, and add to the product. Then I’d sell it as my own, as a somewhat low priced item to get people to know more about me. I might even offer a coaching option with it, charging a little more to help someone fill out their planner, and decide where to go from there.
The planner is only $19 through the end of the month, and then the price goes up. Take a look now, and see if it will fit into your business to help others!
Check out the “Busting Your Money Blocks Planner” now!