Social Marketing Suite was Just Released

Social Marketing Suite

Here’s a blueprint that you can try that others have used to produce six figures in sales.

I’m also going to tell you everything you need to execute the same strategy in your own online business.

Today this is even easier then it was in the past.

The blueprint I am about to reveal to you is 100% compliant and Facebook approved.

That means these guys had to get Facebook to approve their proprietary software.

Here are the steps:

  1. You need to find something to promote. It can be any offer that you think will convert well. It really doesn’t matter what the niche is, as long as you know there is an audience on Facebook for it.
  2. Create some simple Facebook ads, and target those people that are in those niches. In the “interest” field look for your target market.
  3. Here’s the secret: Drive them to a landing page in your fanpage – This is where the real magic happens. Once they click a button they are then taken to the actual affiliate offer.

Social Marketing Suite was just released, and you can use it to create great landing pages.

These pages will allow you to make sales of your affiliate offers.

With the click of a mouse you’ll also able to very easily make:

  • Webinar signup pages
  • Presell pages
  • Long form sales pages
  • Video sales letters
  • Thank you pages
  • …you can even have a page where you sell t-shirts!

The best part is they are MOBILE FRIENDLY!

Also you can integrate with different autoresponders as well!

Everything is here, and the best part you don’t get locked in to some monthly service.

The guys over at Social Marketing Suite shot a demo video showing you exactly how to use this tool.

So follow the steps above, grab a copy of the Social Marketing Suite and start banking with affiliate offers!

Get Social Marketing Suite Now!

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