Are you going to NAMS 11, taking place February 7th – 9th, 2014?
NAMS (Novice to Advanced Marketing Systems) is an event held twice a year in Atlanta. I’ve been to the last 2 out of 3, and they just keep getting better.
There are 4 different tracks of sessions based on your experience level, so that you’ll never feel like things are too difficult (or too easy) for you. You’ll get to learn what you need to learn.
The price right now is $197, and I heard that the price will be going up on October 1st. So if you can make it, definitely get your ticket now!
Here are just some of the instructors at NAMS 11: Alex Mandossian, Joel Comm, Jason Fladlien, Nicole Dean, Kathleen Gage, Ray Edwards, Tony Laidig, Rachel Rofe, and many more. (There are over 30 instructors in all!)
If you don’t want to pay more than you have to…I’d get your ticket now:
Get Your Ticket to NAMS 11 Now!