For years, marketers have been jockeying for page #1 rankings, focused solely on backlinks.
Well guess what?
The future of SEO has EVOLVED and making a major shift towards CONTENT and SOCIAL SHARING.
Google and other search engines have realized that people LOVE to share content via social media, and that measuring engagement, social sharing and social signal diversity is a better indication of what is quality content and worth of high organic rankings.
You know, things like:
– Share buttons (like, recommend, tweet, bookmark, etc.)
– Connect buttons (Like a Facebook page, Follow on Twitter, Follow on LinkedIn, etc.)
– Social commenting
Which means that Social Signal monitoring is the NEW backlink monitoring for SEO.
Which is why Marketers NEED to check out WPSignallTracker.
WPSignallTracker is a social signal monitoring dashboard that will allow you to easily monitor social signal/sharing across your website and individual posts for the most popular sharing sites like:
– Facebook
– Twitter
– StumbleUpon
– Pinterest
– Google+
– Delicious
– LinkedIn
Its by far the easiest way to monitor your social sharing effectiveness between you and your competitors.
For the next few days they are offering WPSignalTracker at a special discounted price!
Also the price increases every 10 sales, so go and grab your copy NOW for the lowest price possible.