Get Daily Deal Builder – The Future of Advertising

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Friends have always told friends about the things they enjoy doing and using, but now, user generated content, traffic, and recommendations are all growing like wild fire in conjunction with the rise of social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.

The internet makes it simple to connect and share with friends and because of this, advertising is becoming dominated by the “end user.”

This is an incredible software service that let’s you capitalize off of the above statements and make a move towards the future of advertising.

If the end user has a poor experience, it is incredibly easy for them to let the world know.

This change in advertising and easy ability for the end customer to connect and share with friends holds merchants and business owners much more accountable than ever before.

Our friends know us and we typically know them. We trust them. We like them.

And most importantly, we respect their opinion because they usually have a really good idea of the types of things that we actually like using, buying, doing, eating, and watching.

Because of our socially connected world, marketing has been, and is changing before our eyes and the most important form of advertising for all of us nowadays comes from user generated recommendations.

The days of advertising that is described in Mad Men, the TV show, are coming to an end, and I believe that user generated recommendations are the future of advertising.

Nearly all of us prefer to take a recommendation from someone that we know, like, and trust – over a stranger.

User recommendations have become the cornerstone of successful websites and more specifically, the daily deal industry.

Whenever we come across something “remarkable” we want to tell the world and remark. Whenever we receive more value than we pay for, we feel good and want to tell everyone else how savvy we are.

It’s just our nature.

Use all of this to your advantage.

The formula to absolutely crush it online is actually really simple.

Proving something amazing…
The people need, want, or desire…
At an incredible price.

Head on over and check out this presentation to learn more.

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