Andy Jenkins just released a new “Video Series” TODAY – and it’s going to melt your brain and ignite your imagination.
Here’s something Andy’s shown over and over: Video Marketing GETS MORE MONEY than ANYTHING. Period. And in these videos, you’ll see the simple little techniques that have literally raised the bar of how people do Video Marketing.
Do they work? Check out these test results: Over $5,000,000.00 in sales from 3 simple little slide-show video campaigns.
Even if you’re NOT in a generous mood, that’s a win!
Now one of the best parts about this kind of video is the tools you need might ALREADY be installed on your computer.
Plus, it shows you how amateur videos (with pretty much ZERO SEO work) are ranking on the first page of Google – right along with “The Learning Channel” – and they’re getting over 104,567 views!
Watch it now.
Here’s what’s “Coming Soon” in the series:
- How “Regular Folks” who are NOT professional Video-makers are CLEANING UP using simple video marketing strategies:
- How “James” created a short, 4 minute slide-show video as a gift to his dog, and how it went VIRAL and got over 4,000,000 (That’s Four Million) views.
- How “Robert” used camcorder Video of his wife exercising to ramp up to over 90,000 visitors per month to his YOGA site.
- How “Bill” made short, less than 2-minute long demonstration videos for his Artificial Christmas Trees site that are now 11 of his 12 most powerful converting web pages.
The CURSE of Online Video Marketing – how to protect yourself and take advantage of what everyone else is afraid of.
The absolutely fastest way to make a killer sales letter video from SCRATCH, so you could be converting more visitors to sales in just a few hours.
The most popular and powerful software you should use to make slick, professional looking online video. Some of these applications are so easy to use, you might not even need to read the manual.
A silly, but hardly ever used trick to make the voice quality of your audio sound like it was recorded on an expensive, professional microphone.
How to make “Flip-Cam” video look like “TV-Studio” video. This secret is a head-slapper.
And much more!
Go below and WATCH.
This is PURE content – there’s NO pitch in this video.
Watch the Free Video Boss Series!