Live Product Creation Webcast with Mike Koenigs & Pam Hendrickson

Make Market Launch It - Live Webcast

In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a lot of hype out there — and not just in political campaigns, weight loss programs, and “reality TV.” (As if that stuff is real…)

It means a lot when somebody can show REAL results produced by REAL people.

That’s what today is all about.

And it’s LIVE at Digital Cafe Studios in sunny San Diego!

TODAY from 11:00am – 4:00pm PST, Pam Hendrickson and Mike Koenigs will be doing a LIVE webcast with their Product Creation Heroes.

Register NOW for your spot:

This webcast is not hype — just the REAL DEAL with real people who made products and creating real, successful businesses with them.

And since it’s LIVE, anything can happen!

You can get your questions answered and you’ll find out how people with no prior product creation expertise or technical skills made, marketed and launched products in as little as two weeks!

You’ll find out how you can make, market and launch a product with practically no budget.

Here’s who you’ll meet:

  • Using just one of the strategies he learned at the Make, Market, Launch IT event last year, a grad put 4,200 people into his paid membership site. (This same guy had been sleeping in his car the year before. You can’t make this stuff up!)
  • Within 90 days, a former TV reporter with a box of books she couldn’t GIVE away created three different products, including a successful seminar, a membership site, and a DVD program.
  • An entrepreneur made a few simple shifts in his positioning and brought thousands of new customers to his site (in fact, he’s got a KILLER list and is now making serious money as an affiliate!).
  • …And a PhD professor who’s created a whole series of products and services and has worked with dozens of customers and clients – so much that she’s taken a leave of absence from her job and is now selling her products, services and consulting full-time!

Great stuff, right? But here’s what’s really important:

You’re going to learn how you can create the same kinds of results.

It doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re selling. Pam and Mike’s system works for ANY product or service.

If you’ve ever had an idea you wanted to turn into a product and a profitable business, you’ve GOT to be on this webcast.

Register now for your seat:

No brag, just fact. Real people. Real HEROES. No hype.

And not a campaign promise in sight.

Register now to secure your seat.

Pam and Mike are opening limited enrollment in their “Make, Market, and Launch It” program this week. It features some KILLER bonuses.

Click here and you can sign up for the webcast AND find out more about the system. (You’ll also get the chance to WIN some free goodies, so make sure you register now!)

Don’t worry if you can’t be there right on time. Drop in when you can. Stay for as long as you want.

Just make sure you register now to secure your seat.

And make sure you come to learn how YOU can WIN an amazing package from Pam and Mike.

If you’re the lucky winner, they’ll help YOU make, market and launch YOUR product in two PACKED days in San Diego.

It’s a Platinum product creation consulting package that includes:

A “boatstorming” session on Mike’s yacht in the San Diego Harbor, a day in Mike’s $250,000 state-of-the-art, television-quality studio AND a product promotion to their combined list of nearly 200,000 people. (Plus, Mike will pick you up in his solar-powered Tesla electric sportscar that goes from 0-60 in 3.7 seconds!)

(This program is normally only reserved for their Platinum $100,000 clients)

You’ll learn how you can enter and win during the live webcast!

Register now to secure your seat.

Sign up for the Free Webcast Now!

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